Knife Sharpening and Repair
Twice As Sharp For Twice As Long!
Knife repairs on low speed machines prevents the steel from overheating (and softening). Repairs may include:
- Repairing broken tips
- Removing chips from edges
- Straightening dips ("swales") from edges
- Grinding down finger guards ("bolsters") so knife edges rest flat on cutting boards
- Ergonomically rounding off top edge
The key to knife repairs, especially to expensive Japanese knives such as Global, Miyabi, and Shun is a variable-speed machine. I built such a machine as none was commercially available. This means grinding away as little steel as possible while preserving the hardness of the steel that you paid a lot of money for!
Machines calibrated to within 1/10 of a mm means edges twice as sharp as factory. Your benefit: edges stay sharp for at least twice as long!
Some knife repair pictures below: